Collaborative Law

Doírín Mulligan undertook Collaborative family law training from the Law Society in 2007 and is a member of the Association of Collaborative Practitioners in Ireland. Doírín is one of the relatively few number of solicitors who has significant experience working as a collaborative family lawyer.

The Collaborative process allows families the opportunity to avoid lengthy and costly court proceedings – which can destroy relationships and financial standings. If you have tried the collaborative process but did not manage to reach an agreement or do not feel that mediation is the right option for you – we will attempt to negotiate a settlement agreement on your behalf and seek to have the agreement made into an Order by the Circuit Court on your request.

We know that a relationship breakdown is a very difficult and stressful time and that it can be difficult to navigate the legal system along with all the other changes which are happening in your life. We try to simplify the system as much as we can and to take as much of the stress out of it as possible by ensuring that you are aware of what your options are and of the steps that you can take to regain control of your life.

Doírín has had a significant degree of success in assisting clients who engage in the collaborative process to successfully negotiate a satisfactory agreement. Doírín was a member of the West Dublin Meath Collaborative Family Law Group from its inception. Doírín’s experience, training and non-adversarial approach equip her to assist clients in this manner.

If you are in need of advice regarding the collaborative process, please complete this form and we will contact you as soon as we can.

Talk to us

Phone 01 637 3946 or email if you require legal advice in relation to the breakdown of a relationship or on any matter relating to the rights or welfare of a child.